


URL はこちら、Parser.c の関数 parse はトークン列を構文解析して構文木を作るプログラムです。
yacc/Parser.c at master · tfull/yacc · GitHub

1 + 2


1 + 2
Integer(1) [1:1 - 1:1]
Plus [1:3 - 1:3]
Integer(2) [1:5 - 1:5]
[ 0] [0,2,0,]
[ 0] state 0 and tid 0 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 0] shift
[ 1] [0,2,0,]
[ 1] state 4 and tid 2 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 8, stack.size = 1[0,2,0,]
[ 1] --[0,2,7,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,7,]
[ 1] state 5 and tid 2 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 7, stack.size = 1[0,2,7,]
[ 1] --[0,2,7,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,7,]
[ 1] state 2 and tid 2 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 3, stack.size = 1[0,2,7,]
[ 1] --[0,2,7,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,7,]
[ 1] state 3 and tid 2 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 1] shift
[ 2] [0,2,7,]
[ 2] state 8 and tid 7 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
[ 2] shift
[ 3] [0,2,7,]
[ 3] state 6 and tid 8 (& 0x7fefa8c03a20)
parse error: token(1:5 - 1:5)

というようにパースエラーが出力されます。ここで、 [0,2,0] というのが入力されたトークンの種類で、例えば INT, PLUS, STAR というようにトークンの情報が入っています。 0 は INT を、 2 は PLUS を表しています。
なぜか、途中でトークン列が [0,2,0] から [0,2,7] に変わっているのがわかります。 7 は MINUS を表します。トークンが変わる間、すなわち print("end for") と print("--") の間には 1 行の関数実行があるだけです。しかも、トークン列は渡してすらいません。
このバグの恐ろしさは、たまに成功することにあります。同じ入力を 10 回ほど渡し続けると、たまに

1 + 2
Integer(1) [1:1 - 1:1]
Plus [1:3 - 1:3]
Integer(2) [1:5 - 1:5]
[ 0] [0,2,0,]
[ 0] state 0 and tid 0 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 0] shift
[ 1] [0,2,0,]
[ 1] state 4 and tid 2 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 8, stack.size = 1[0,2,0,]
[ 1] --[0,2,0,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,0,]
[ 1] state 5 and tid 2 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 7, stack.size = 1[0,2,0,]
[ 1] --[0,2,0,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,0,]
[ 1] state 2 and tid 2 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 1] reduce
[ 1] end for r_n = 3, stack.size = 1[0,2,0,]
[ 1] --[0,2,0,]
[ 1] before push
[ 1] [0,2,0,]
[ 1] state 3 and tid 2 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 1] shift
[ 2] [0,2,0,]
[ 2] state 8 and tid 0 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 2] shift
[ 3] [0,2,0,]
[ 3] state 4 and tid 8 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 3] reduce
[ 3] end for r_n = 8, stack.size = 3[0,2,0,]
[ 3] --[0,2,0,]
[ 3] before push
[ 3] [0,2,0,]
[ 3] state 5 and tid 8 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 3] reduce
[ 3] end for r_n = 7, stack.size = 3[0,2,0,]
[ 3] --[0,2,0,]
[ 3] before push
[ 3] [0,2,0,]
[ 3] state 24 and tid 8 (& 0x7ffcead00040)
[ 3] reduce
[ 3] end for r_n = 1, stack.size = 1[0,2,0,]
[ 3] --[0,2,0,]
[ 3] before push
[ 3] [0,2,0,]
[ 3] state 3 and tid 8 (& 0x7ffcead00040)

さらにおかしなことに、確率的に動くという状態が、 clang でも gcc でも再現可能なのです。
とりあえず、 Java とか Haskell ではこのような事にはならないと思うので、解決を先延ばしにするのが吉かもしれません。